Senator carol blood

Listed below are bills sponsored by Senator Blood that were passed and signed into law from 2017 to 2024. There are additional bills that were co-sponsored by Senator Blood that also became law that are not listed on this page but are available upon constituent request. Several bills were combined in order to help move them forward through the process. All together over the last eight years, a long list of bills were passed and signed into law from District 3. Legislative resolutions were also passed with full bi-partisan support.

LB80Provide for the unclassified service under the County Civil Service Act

LB85 Provide a requirement for persons seeking appointive or elective office as prescribed and to provide a duty for the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission.

LB86 Change provisions related to opening bids

LB88 Adopt Interstate Licensure Compact and the Nurse Licensure Compact and change and eliminate other provisions relating to the regulation of health professionals.

LB681 Adopt the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact (Approved and became part of omnibus bill LB 731)

LB682 Provide Consumer Protection and Civil Relief for service members and provide a duty for the National Guard

LB685 Provide a Funding Priority for Special-Needs Military Dependents Under the Developmental Disabilities Services Act

LB686Adopt the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (Approved and became part of omnibus bill LB 1034)

LB692 Provide for a Staffing Analysis for the Nebraska Department of Corrections (Approved and became part of omnibus bill LB 841)

LB12   Provide a license fee exemption for servicemembers and their spouses under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act

LB138 Provide for a Veterans' Program coordinator, change and eliminate certain license plate fees, and provide for additional Military Honor Plates and Support Our Troops Plates

LB115 Change provisions related to enrollment of children of members of the military

LB7     Adopt the Counterfeit Airbag Prevention Act

LB8     Allow physician medical directors to display certain vehicle lights as prescribed

LB11   Provide for interlocal agreements regarding nuisances

LB15  Adopt the Children of Nebraska Hearing Aid Act

LB13  Exempt breast-feeding from public indecency offenses

LB6     Change residency requirements for college tuition purposes for spouses or legal dependents of persons on active duty

LB745  ​​Provide duties for law enforcement and prosecutors regarding federal immigration forms relating to victims of certain crimes

​LB755 ​ Change provisions relating to home services under the Cosmetology, Electrology, Esthetics, Nail Technology, and Body Art Practice Act and Barber Act; physician assistants under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act and the Podiatry Practice Act; membership of the Board of Medicine and Surgery; infant screening testing; Parkinson’s disease drug reporting; and the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act

​LB751 Provide for a mental health exception to compulsory education requirements

LB5    Adopt The Purple Star Schools Act

LB6    Change provisions relating to the taxation of military retirement benefits (Amended into Military Retirement Tax Exemption Bill-LB387)

LB9    Change annexation requirements and property tax special valuation provisions

LB14  Adopt the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact

​LB15 Adopt the Occupational Therapy Practice Interstate Compact (Amended into LB752)

LB265 Change provisions of the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act

LB476 Change provisions relating to the Stroke System of Care Act

LB554 Adopt the Licensed Professional Counselors Interstate Compact (Amended into LB752)​

LB691 Include Kidnapping victims under the Address Confidentiality Act

LB1048 Appropriate federal funds to the University of Nebraska to evaluate the health of those endangered by chemicals from the AltEn Disaster (Amended into LB1068)​

LB829 Change provisions relating to insurance coverage for screening for colorectal cancer

LB11 Include pets in Protection Orders to remove a barrier for survivors to leave an abusive relationship

LB38 Exempted taxation on Federal retirees’ annuities in order to attract more retirees to stay in Nebraska

LB832 Gives Nebraska the option of jurisdiction over juvenile cases on military installations to find more appropriate options for such juveniles

LB834 Dental Residence Bill, allow for a temporary license for dental residents in Nebraska in order to be able to practice dentistry at approved residencies upon graduation from dental school

LB1373 Dieticians Interstate Compact, adopt the Dieticians Compact for Nebraska

LB823 Physician Associate’s Compact, adopt the Physician Associate Compact for Nebraska

LB822 Interstate Compact Social Workers, adopt the Social Workers Compact for Nebraska

LB413 Teacher Mobility Compact, adopt the Teacher Mobility Compact for Nebraska

LB639Amends existing workman’s compensation law extending the timeline to give an appropriate amount of time for the litigation process

​LR1     Express support for the United States Air Force to reestablish the United States Space Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base

​LR284 Support an objective review of the "Product of U.S.A." label by the USDA and action to restrict the scope of use in a way that is beneficial for cattle producers and consumers, and is trade                compliant


2021 Interim Studies

​LR158Interim study to examine the accuracy of payments by the Department of Labor to recipients of state and federal benefit programs

Request the Executive Board to appoint an AltEn LLC, Ethanol Plant Special Investigative and Oversight Committee

Interim study to examine the organizational structure and funding of the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center

Interim study to examine the potential applications for blockchain technology in agricultural operations